Southwest and the 797 … ement.html

So is WN really considering buying from someone other than Boeing or is this just gamesmanship ? The Y1/797/737RS is a bigger airplane than the 733s and 73Gs, maybe too big for WN’s routes. What could they get instead ?
I just can’t see them buying Russian or Chinese so maybe some ears have pricked up in Montreal :neutral_face: .

Southwest can’t have it both ways.

They’re looking for an aircraft that is a big improvement from the 737-700 in terms of efficiency and technology (787 vs. 767 type improvement) but are also looking for something soon.

Sorry, but there’s no true next generation narrowbody aircraft that will be ready before 2020.

There was talk if SWA looking southward for another aircraft type… that did get Canadian and Yankee ears burning as well… However, this was before the CSeries finally took off and grabbed a few orders…


I’m not sure if Southwest would go with Airbus. It wouldn’t be as easy to cross-train as it is now with the all 737 fleet.

It would more than likely be easier cross train between the 717 and 737 than either of those aircraft and Airbus aircraft.

The 717 and 737 have no more in common with each other than an A320 and a 737.

Remember that the 717 was designed by McDonnell Douglas.

Also remember that virtually every other airline in the world is trained on multiple aircraft and that even Southwest is trained on the 737 Classic and 737 NG, which from a technical standpoint are very different aircraft.

I was thinking more along the lines of the yoke (Boeing/MDD) versus non-yoke (Airbus).

Southwest has modernized the -300 so that it is just about like the -700 … n31168413/

IIRC, SWA was looking to go Embraer, in particular the E190, but that was back in 2003.

If SWA doesn’t like what they see, they may revisit that option.


Thanks, tyketto. I hadn’t heard that before.

I have seen the SWA annual reports that stated they could change some of the 737-700’s they had on order for the -600 model.

Yoke to stick training takes about 8 seconds. Learning how to properly access and stow the tray table on an Airbus takes longer.