I searched around and made a few of my own custom URL’s to handle this but can’t get it exact. I know I have configured something to do this in the past.
Anyway I can search for a Fleet AND Aircraft Type?
In other words I would like to see, say all of FedEx’s MD11’s and nothing else.
Thanks mduell for the reply. Is there a pay feature that would offer it, as in the Premium Account of any sort?
@rw812. what I was interested in was actually the FedEx DC10 flights. (my uncle flys the DC10’s for FedEx, so I like to watch him&them).
Anyway, as a registered user you can have 40 flights per page, that is step one. Then I figured out over time (2 weeks tracking) that the DC10 aircraft usually start at about #60 down the list.
With that I sorted by fleet, fedex, then adjusted the sort rule to start at an offset of 55. That left me with this: