Am I wrong? I thought when I purchased the equipment, waited, downloaded the software, figured that out, got the Pi up and running that I would be able to see on my monitor the ADS-B traffic and information that my Pi generated?
I got nothing on the Pi
So I went back onto Flightaware and completed the next step which was “Claim your PiAware client on”
So I can only view any of the information that my little Pi generates on the flightaware web site? Nothing more?
With the Pi up and running goto one of your other computers on your local network and type the address given in the previous message into the address line of your web-browser. For example mine is,
My Pi is out in the garage near where the antenna cable comes in from the roof so I don’t have a monitor, keyboard or mouse connected to it. I can do all I need to with it using the free SSH client PuTTY and of course watching it’s dump1090 display.
The user stats page on Flightaware will become more interesting as the days go by and you continue to feed more data. You can see mine at this link.
Currently, that’s true, unless you port forward 8080 on your router so you can access it remotely. You can view your ADS-B stats page which we are constantly improving to make better and include more real-time information.
The map currently only shows your receiver locations.
I also don’t know how to really read the data as there are two flight data lines:
Recent flights with positions from this feeder on
Additional recent flights fed to FlightAware
Are both from my receiver or?
Yes. It’s a list of flights with positions we’re using vs not currently using (due to other feeders). It’s a way for you to have a list of flights you’re tracking and click for more info.
So is there any way to see the live data that my receiver is receiving? I mean in the sense of the planes with fight details on the moving map like I can see on “”
Thought that this would be the same on Flightaware but I only see the textual data on a line instead.
Maybe this is the wrong place to ask, but is there a way that I can be able to hear/receive the aircraft radio frequencies? This would enable me to listen to the AWOS prior to getting to the airport each day.
You could use Virtual Radar Server, which includes a database that resolves the ICAO hex codes into registrations and flight numbers. Here is a list of a few servers people have made available on the internet:
Yes it’s the receiver range. It’s a feature of the VRS software. It monitors that maximum range received in each direction and plots it on the map. You can toggle it on and off, or show the range for different altitudes in the map options at the top of the page.