I have been running into an issue since monday ( Feeder up since 2015 without any issue ) , each time I try to use the Skyview , the Pi Crashes with an AJAX message.
I did update to a Flight stick pro plus and an Antenna , so the volume of data is 4X more than before.
I mean that the Pi itself crashes or stops to respond.
I can not SSH into it anymore and the last thing to show up on the Skyview window is an error associated with something called Ajax ( and I have no idea what that is , I have other devices connected to the same switch and they still connect OK ).
I wonder if it has something to do with me requesting the Skyview page since it always happens when I do just that.
I will let it go 48 hours without using Skyview and see what it does.
AJAX is a technique that the browser uses for requesting data from the Pi; it’s how the aircraft display is updated. AJAX errors mean that your browser can’t reach the Pi, so it’s a symptom of the crash rather than a cause.