I have had PiAware 8.2 running for quite some time. I have a second SDR running dump978-fa which is feeding skyaware978. If I go to my ip on port 8978 I get a skyaware page showing the TIS-B decodes. On my normal web port I get the skyaware page with all the ADS-B decodes. I have the TIS-B box checked but I don’t see the data from the other page. Any idea as to what I need to do to have one consolidated page?
I’ve spent a few hours here trying to figure this out without success. Hopefully it’s something simple that I’m missing.
I may just throw in the towel on this one. I do get decodes and on the 8978 page. They just never make it to the main page. Also on my FlightAware page it says Feeder Mode: Mode-S (1090 MHz) so it looks like I’m not reporting the UAT stuff I hear anyway. The answer is probably to install a fresh copy of PiAware but I have a lot of other stuff running like AcarsDeco2 and a bunch of ham radio apps so I don’t want to reimage. I was just hoping there was something in one of the config files I’m just overlooking.
So, TIS-B is data from ground stations. If you aren’t in line of site of a ground station, you wouldn’t receive the rebroadcast. I don’t get any TIS-B traffic on either the 8080 or 8978 pages - at least right now. I do see 3 or 4 UAT targets flying around my house.
I might be incorrect, but that’s what I read in that thread.
Thanks, I think I was mistaken in my terminology, it’s really the UAT traffic that I’m receiving but not doing anything with. I’m receiving some but it’s only displaying on my 8978 page and not with the other plane data on 8080. For instance I just decoded 10 transmissions in dump978 from N8341A. This plane does not show up on my 8080 map at all. When I look it up on FlightAware I see that this plane only transmits on 978. None of my decodes are showing in the flight track log so I assume I’m not sending them. I still believe it’s some kind of configuration issue but I can’t figure it out.
Your description is unclear to me, though to be honest, I’m a little bit hard of thinking most days.
Your first post sounds like you have a Pi with two receiver dongles - one 1090 and one 978. Is that correct?
Further, it sounds like when you are looking at the 978 page, you see some UAT traffic, and on the 1090 page you see standard ADSB traffic.
The complaint seems to be that you are not seeing the UAT/978 traffic added to the main 1090 map. Or put another way, the 978 and 1090 traffic are not combined onto one map. Am I understanding that correctly?
If so, that’s not how dump1090-fa and dump978-fa work. Each is its own freestanding entity. Two similar-but-different software applications doing their own thing.
Checking the TIS-B box on the 1090 map doesn’t have anything (directly) to do with your 978 install. TIS-B messages come from a ground-based transmitter that picks up 978 traffic and rebroadcasts it over 1090 so that aircraft that are not equipped to receive 978 traffic directly can be aware of GA traffic that isn’t broadcasting on 1090. Imagine that most people these days use cell phones, but some people still use walkie-talkies. Both communicate over radio waves, but can’t directly talk to one another. TIS-B is like a service that listens for walkie-talkie signals and rebroadcasts them over the cellular network. The TIS-B checkbox just tells the map to to show 978 flights that were received by and sent from that TIS-B transmitter.
There are ways to display both data sets on one map, but most require 3rd party software. VRS can do it, there used to be a tool called Combine1090 that I think could do it, or you could use FlightAware’s SkyAware Anywhere page, which is linked when you are logged into the FlightAware website.
Which brings up the next problem. It sounds like your 978 setup is not sending data to FA. When you installed the second dongle, did you “claim” the new receiver on their website?
That’s a lot, I know - but hopefully there is something useful in there for you.
I actually have 3 receivers but for this discussion one is 1090 and the other is 978. The third is for ACARS.
Yes, I see traffic on the two pages and yes I’d like to see it on one. I’ll look into the combine app as it sounds like there is no way to locally have both.
Yes, I was incorrect in talking about TIS-B, I meant UAT.
I agree, my 978 is not sending to FA. I have tried to claim the receiver but it doesn’t show.
I don’t get a lot of traffic on 978 so it’s probably best to abandon it and repurpose the receiver for something else or just resign that I’ll only have it locally.
Using the FlightAware image I show 978 (UAT) and 1090 on the main local SkyAware page. At the end of the aircraft list on the right I have options for ADS-B, UAT, MLAT, OTHER and TIS-B. I can select / deselect what is displayed.