Skyaware interface for the map?

I find the Skyaware map (based on dump1090-fa) or even tar1090 interface, much better than the one currently used on It’s especially useful to be able to filter by altitude, or display labels on all aircrafts, stuff like that. Is it possible to have that kind of interface on the global map? Is there a place do ask for such feature requests?

Corsac, welcome to the forum. Generally get pretty prompt replies to messages asking for help but not sure about the ‘features request’ section.

Must confess I use the tar1090 map of the flightaware map to view my local traffic but if I want to view other areas tend to use Flightradar24. With the latter if you submit data to them there is a bookmark facility for various locations.


Just to keep it balanced, there are also very nice global maps available not only by FR24 but also planefinder and adsbexchange.

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