Search for all flights for an airline?

Is there a way to do a ‘wildcard’ search for an airline? For example I would like to look up Canjet’s flights that took place this past weekend. The search box on the right hand side won’t work unless you specify a flight number. The “Don’t know the flight number” search doesn’t help either because I don’t know what airports they flew to. has the list of all airlines. Click on the airline of interest and you should be all set.


There’s really no way to be able to find out all of Canjet’s - or any other carrier’s - flights for this past weekend or any other time period without going through the airports screens.

FlightAware’s Commercial Services may be able to create a custom report for you. Here’s what the Commercial Services page says about custom reports:

FlightAware offers a variety of custom reports including statistical analysis, historical data, and automated reports.

If you are interested in using FlightAware’s powerful, adaptive, and intelligent technology to improve your business, please contact FlightAware by e-mail or telephone.

You can use the CJA fleet page for current flights or contact us to purchase a report for past flights for the CJA fleet.

Oh well.
I work for a company contracted to do maintenance for them and heard we had one of their flights divert to our airport late Saturday night. It’s not really that important at all but if I could see it on a feature of FA that I had previously missed well then it would have been useful.

If it diverted to ‘your’ airport last Saturday it should still show under the arrivals tab; these hold 7 days’ of data.

Where is this mystery airport?

That’s the weird bit…it showed the departure of a CJA flight from CYOW on Sunday at 10ish in the morning but no arrival was logged. I believe it was a flight destined to CYUL that diverted because we had some pretty active wx bowl over our area earlier and probably affected Montreal later on.

That’s the weird bit…it showed the departure of a CJA flight from CYOW on Sunday at 10ish in the morning but no arrival was logged. I believe it was a flight destined to CYUL that diverted because we had some pretty active wx bowl over our area earlier and probably affected Montreal later on.

Hola all from HOUSTON! And thx VERY much to flight aware for the grat software! You don’t how helpful you have been to me. I’m been a member for a while but this is my 1st post to the forum.

I have a similar question to Linecrew’s answer. I’m also trying to track an airline but now all their flights. Just out of a certain airport. Ex: Mounatin Air Cargo (MTN) flights out of MIA. If there a faster way to get the info other than digging either thru the airline listing from A to M or aircraft listing?

I don’t believe there is an easy way out of this.

You can look up the flights for MTN out of MIA by sorting on the departures then looking for the MTN flights. I did this and found three different flight numbers: 8126, 8122, and 801 (this last one may have been either a weekly flight or a one-time flight). The next thing to do is to set up alerts for the flights through your “My FlightAware”

The downside to this is that you wouldn’t be able to catch flights that are outside of the alerts set up.

I was afraid you’d say that…lol. Okie, thx. Guess I’ll go grab the shovel and start digging