Here at FlightAware Headquarters, all we utilize are Macs.
If you use a Mac, you can use either Safari or Firefox. If you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly Customer Service Department.
I’ve had exactly the opposite experience in that all the NASA engineers I’ve met over the years carry a Thinkpad of some type. Same goes for Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed, RCA, etc., etc.
I used to amuse myself by guessing who attendees at my lectures worked for (private industry, federal, state or local government) based on what type of PC based laptop they pulled out of their bags.
Interestingly, the reverse was the norm among those employed by the entertainment industry and IT reps.
In a way. Engineers, but from the New Business org.
Industry pretty much universally embraces PCs, and excludes Macs. Some companies (like mine) still tolerate a few dozen Mac die-hards… only if they’re longtime Mac users and highly revered. In a few more years they’ll all be gone.