Since every flight is uniquely specified by its airline code, number and date of departure, why do we have to specify time exactly in seconds (with a few-second tolerance)?
For example: for input airline BAW, flight number 726 and date 8/15/2016 we would like to get this flight: … /EGLL/LSGG
without specifying the time.
Is there a way to do this? Right now, we are traversing flights returned by FlightInfoEx without timestamp and picking the one we need.
Thanks for reply.
Not all flights occur only once per day. Many airlines (particularly smaller regional airlines) operate the same flight number 6-12 times per day to different cities.
Ideally, you are using FlightInfoEx with just the ident to determine the faFlightID that you want. The convenience of specifying “ident@epoch” was originally provided as a convenience because not all of the legacy FlightXML functions return a faFlightID and only provided a ident and departuretime. (That technique was not specifically intended for users to arbitrarily specify a flight by using timestamps derived from external sources.)