Remote access of Dump1090?

Tried that, didn’t work. First off “curl” didn’t work, some quick googling showed my how to install curl, that didn’t work. Another google said I could subsitute “curl” with “wget” so i did that and got this -
pi@piaware:~$ wget | sudo python
sudo: python: command not found
–2017-07-24 19:00:03--
Resolving…,, 2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fee9:3231, …
Connecting to||:443… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 24065 (24K) [text/x-shellscript]
Saving to: ‘’ 100%=====================>] 23.50K --.-KB/s in 0.05s

2017-07-24 19:00:03 (455 KB/s) - ‘’ saved [24065/24065]

I don’t think it worked, not getting past the code copy/paste page on the dataplicity website. No clue what I’m doing, just trying to follow directions.

Check again the internal IP (of the FlightFeeder!!) and external IP. Forward external IP port 8080->Internal IP port 8080
Ask us to check the address, in case your phone ISP blocks that.

If still not working… Reinstall everything :slight_smile:

Yeah, you lost me. I can see the piaware’s IP address, but internal and external? I have no clue what that is.

External is the “Internet IP” on your stats page.

Go to your stats page, you will find both IP there.

See screenshot from my stats page below.
External IP = Internet IP
Internal IP = Site local IP

Okay, got the internal and external but the port forward page on my router doesn’t have any of that. It asks for an IP to forward and then what application to forward. That’s it. Nothing under “application to forward” means anything to me so I specific it as 8080. But again there’s only one IP to enter.

Same here bro, couldn’t figure it out. BTW are you using Flightfeeder or you own RPI?

Um…I don’t know what flightfeeder is. I got a pi and loaded the software onto the micro SD card.

Use “Site Local IP” from your Flight aware stats page, something like 192.168.xx.xx

what application to forward

It varies for different make of routers, but frequently the application is “web server”.

Do your router settings list applications to choose from?

About a zillion ports. There are listings for pop3 and other stuff. Web server is right at the top. So I selected the piaware from the IP list and webswrver from apps, it defaults to port 80 and can’t be changed.

Aaaaand…doesn’t work.

You can check if your port is open from here:

Okay. Went and did the port forwarding for the piaware (it’s 192.xxxx) IP address and the web server port 80. Checked at the port check website and it said the port was open. I deleted the port forwarding and yup, showed closed.

But it still doesn’t work. I try the IP address from my iPhone, plain, port 80 and port 8080 and just keep getting network connection lost message.

And thanks everyone for the help. I’m sure one of y’all sitting here would have this solved in 60 seconds.

Select “Custom” or similar…

If I specify web hosting (port 80) or specify port 8080 myself as a custom entry it doesn’t work.

(1) In your router, for piaware/local IP, open port 80 for web server.
(2) Make sure port 80 is open by checking site

(3) Now from your phone’s browser, instead of external_IP:8080 try

If above Fails, open port 80 for application HTTP instead of Web Server, and repeat steps (2) and (3)

Will it be same for FlightFeeder?

FlightFeeders are two types, Blue & Orange.
I dont know what is inside Blue one.
The orange one has a RPi+Pro Stick inside, so apparently web access should be same as for RPi.
I dont have any FlightFeeder, so I cannot try and tell you with surety. You have to try it yourself.

The FligtFeeder works surely on TCP port 8080, that’s how mine works.
Straight on port 80 it shows FlightFeeder Status.

The /dump1090-fa/ link would work on FlightFeeder (works internally), but… I would not open port 80 in my router.

I have a white/Blue one. It has a RPI 2 and a Mode-S Beast.