
I wanted to know if anyone knows what the RedSox took as a flight? Also did they leave from Toronto or Boston? They played Weds and had an off day, didn’t know if they went to Boston for a day (probably not)

Looks like this would be them based on the past flights and the Red Sox schedule:

Looks like it. But i wonder why it would got to CVG. They didn’t play the Reds.

The Delta charters may return to a hub after dropping off the team. Since they went to Detroit, the aircraft then headed to the CVG hub. You will likely see it go from CVG to DTW to pick them up to go to the next destination.

I follow the Reds charter When they traveled to Denver, the aircraft went on to Salt Lake after dropping them off. When they went to Pittsburgh, the aircraft then headed to Atlanta.

Oh. By the way how do you like Bronson??? Do they talk a lot about his music when he pitches?

Bronson is awesome…I loved the trade when they made it! He is performing at a benefit concert on June 15th with Raquel Aurilia (wife of Red’s infielder Rich Aurilia) - he’s a popular guy here. I know he really wanted to stay in Boston, but he handled the trade like a real pro. Wily Mo Pena is a pretty good player, but the Reds had plenty of outfielders and desparately needed solid pitching - Bronson had delivered.

Willy is hurt right now and hasn’t done to much for us. Bronson was good but i hated hearing about his music, I mean it’s baseball not a rock concert. But i think him and Pena have the same amount of RBI’s and HR’s hahaha