Re-image sd card, can I keep the dump1090 graphs history?

It’s time for a new sd card, after 4 years it’s showing signs of wear. I could just restore a backup but as it’s Buster seems better to re-image now to Bookworm. I’m running the rpi with Raspian OS not Piaware image,

I’m OK with starting from scratch with a fresh install and keeping the same accounts and feeder ids etc, though is there a simple way afterwards to copy back the dump1090-fa graphs history? I’d like to keep that data if possible.

EDIT After reading the graphs github page I see this is covered and explained. Sorry for posting please ignore.

As you have discovered, you can do it. There is a caveat though that is not obvious - collectd will not read data saved on another architecture. If you have been using the 32 bit OS, then you need to use the 32 bit OS again for it to read the data by default. If you switch to the 64 bit OS, then you have to convert the data and import it again.

I believe wiedehopf has instructions how to do this on the GitHub page, but make sure you take backups before beginning if you choose to do it.

This also applies going from 64 to 32 bit, and changing from arm to x86, because they have different endianness. I have no idea why they don’t use a platform, agnostic data format but it’s something to bear in mind.


Thanks for clarifying. I’ll be staying with 32 bit OS, and just ran through the procedure to create the backup, now copied off the sd card ready to restore.

PS I’ll just have to wait for the

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problem to get fixed before going any further though.

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