AAY551/552 normally cruise at FL320-FL340. Toady it’s coming up at FL240 and scheduled to head down at FL250. Why the big departure from “normal” cruise alt? Choppy air up high? Plane issues?
They have what’s called an MEL (Minimum Equipment List) this is a list of discrepancies that the airplane can fly with as long as maintenance and crew follow the specified modified procedures as written in the MEL.
Below is a link to the Master MEL database. Select McDonnell-Douglas\DC-9, you can see all of the restrictions for different discrepancies. The MMEL does not cover company specific operational procedures so it is not a complete MEL for an American MD-88.
My wife flew 551 down to LAS from RDM on Friday. She noted the flight was good except for the bumps on approach into Vegas. She’s coming back this morn on 552 (20 mins late). She just called me from McCarran and said they had to turn back! Pilot said he felt a vibration. Evidentally he wasn’t comfy with the situation. Crazy. They’re not sure if they will try to use this particular a/c or get another bird.