Question on flight # sequencing

Does any know what the A means behind the flight #?

emathieu meet Damiross, Damiross, this is emathieu. I’ll just step out for a bit. … ame+number may help.


Just means there’s another flight with the same number someplace in the wide vicinity.

Using the search feature (at the top of every discussion page), I found the following, among others: … ght=letter … ght=letter

It is used to avoid confusion with a flight with the same flight number.
It looks to me that there has been a change in the United time table. Fl#814 had been flying from Los Angles ( KLAX) to Denver ( KDEN ) and on to Washington D.C. ( KIAD ) but now flies from Denver to Des Moines ( KDSM ).

The ’ A ’ would have been added to avoid confusion with the Washington D.C. leg of the flight that 814 no longer serves. … /KDEN/KIAD,67 … timetables