Public Flights Missing from FlightXML

This flight, as seen on the San Diego airport arrivals page, was not included in any data sent via FlightXML enroute method.

This seems to happen often - flights that don’t arrive often here won’t be sent at all via the FlightXML method, but do show up on the arrivals page on the FlightAware site.


Are the flights that don’t appear always international inbound and irregular (not scheduled air carriers)?

Usually, yes. For example, the first flights of Virgin America from SFO to SAN didn’t show up.

Here is another thread where this issue came up…it was the first scheduled flight of a new international arrival:

Do they appear on the airport enroute boards while they’re in flight or just the airport arrivals boards after arrival? The Arrived FlightXML call includes them.

Watching manually on, they do show up on the enroute board (which is how I know they are public flights and not blocked). The Enroute method doesn’t include them. My application doesn’t care about arrived, only enroute. In an unrelated issue, enroute is now also returning flights that are not yet enroute but which are planned and without an actual departure time.

Today’s flight for Atlas Air into San Diego was included in the enroute calls, so it’s still only the first flights that don’t show up.

Please fix this issue. My application’s sole purpose is to find the first flight of any airplane/airline into an airport.

