If I am on FA’s main home page, I can track specific tail numbers as usual.
But if I am on the Discussion page and try to use the “Private Flight Tracker” entry box, I get an error message regardless of the tail number.
This has been this way for several days.
discussions.flightaware.com/live/flight/N301ML (doesn’t work)
flightaware.com/live/flight/N301ML (works)
discussions.flightaware.com/live/flight/N46GA (doesn’t work)
flightaware.com/live/flight/N46GA (works)
That’s because the links from this page have been down for a while, not sure why though.
I just saw that it was discussed within this thread. I guess it’s not new news.
discussions.flightaware.com/view … hp?t=12820
We’re aware it’s broken, trying to push out a whole new forum system that will also resolve these issues.
Yeah, yeah, yeah… been hearin’ that for months now!