I normally get a high message count, for example I am currently tracking 56 planes and have just under 850 msg/sec does that seem high? I am UK based if that makes a difference. According to my stats I upload just over 80k positions a day with around 100k hits? Does this seem correct or am I missing stuff? I ran a “do I need a filter test” with my SAWbird+ attached and only had lines around 1090mhz so I don’t think I am getting any interference.
That seems to be a normal rate of messages and aircraft. I have currently 147 aircraft in range on one of my setups in the Netherlands with a Uptronics LNA in the line.
Message rate is around 725 per second.
Setup is a Pi2, FA prostick plus, Uptronics LNA, FA barrel filter, and a 11 dB Vinnant antenna (COL 1090-PSE)
Central Europe has more radar interrogation compared to the US.
Thus each aircraft sends more messages.
Beyond a certain message rate the messages overlap, so the message rate falls off.
Get some graphs going, position rate is somewhat more interesting and more comparable as ADS-B position are sent every 0.5 seconds by all aircraft no matter of ATC interrogation. https://github.com/wiedehopf/graphs1090#graphs1090
FA stats are not representative of what you receive. There are rules on how often a plane position is uploaded to FA, for example if you open FA anywhere the positions reported will go up. Believe lower flying planes are uploaded more often.
So it’s not transparent and not a good representation of reception.
Interesting that I have a similar ratio of planes to message rate as @tomvdhorst : i.e. approximately 140 aircraft and message rate of 720 per second during peak period of a day. This, even though we are in different parts of the world (I’m in So Calf US). I also see that frequently we have about the same 30-day ranking. Almost makes sense !
With a high amount of aircraft (typically > 200) and an Airspy device instead of the typical FA stick you can get up (or even more) than 3000 messages.