I’ve monitored reports of a plane crash at the Macon County Airport just north of Franklin, NC. Initial radio traffic said the plane was “at the end of the runway” near the cornfield and fully involved with numerous small explosions.
Most of the planes that take off and land here do not file flight plans (or they aren’t listed online) so I am unable to determine more detailed info on the airplane.
No word on injuries. I will post more information as it becomes available.
Reports now indicate that five people, two couples and a small female child, perished in this crash. A witness reported that the plane came in at a steep angle, bounced very hard and the pilot apparently tried to throttle up and the right wing hit the runway as he over corrected and the plane flipped over and burst into flames.
I was monitoring the scanner and uploaded the audio of the initial response of local public safety agencies at is.gd/cHBNK3
1100 units are Franklin VFD, 1500 are Burnington-Iotla VFD, 5700 units are the Macon County Sheriff Dept and G units are the NC Highway Patrol.
I also heard the pilot’s last transmission (but wasn’t recording) and, due to his thick accent, was only able to understand “runway two-five.”