My piaware runs well (ssh ok, nc ok, piaware skyview (port 8080) ok), but the piaware don’t sends reports to flight aware since 2 hours (network seems ok)
tail /var/log/piaware.log
May 23 20:09:13 piaware piaware[1550]: 89 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa; 89 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 23 20:14:13 piaware piaware[1550]: 746 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (657 in last 5m); 746 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 23 20:19:13 piaware piaware[1550]: 1338 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (592 in last 5m); 1338 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 23 20:23:43 piaware piaware[1550]: mlat-client(1594): Receiver status: connected
May 23 20:23:43 piaware piaware[1550]: mlat-client(1594): Server status: synchronized with 142 nearby receivers
May 23 20:23:43 piaware piaware[1550]: mlat-client(1594): Receiver: 252.8 msg/s received 48.4 msg/s processed (19%)
May 23 20:23:43 piaware piaware[1550]: mlat-client(1594): Server: 0.0 kB/s from server 0.0kB/s TCP to server 0.6kB/s UDP to server
May 23 20:23:43 piaware piaware[1550]: mlat-client(1594): Results: 8.1 positions/minute
May 23 20:23:43 piaware piaware[1550]: mlat-client(1594): Aircraft: 7 of 12 Mode S, 15 of 19 ADS-B used
May 23 20:24:13 piaware piaware[1550]: 1903 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (565 in last 5m); 1903 msgs sent to FlightAware
sudo systemctl status piaware
● piaware.service - FlightAware ADS-B uploader
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/piaware.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-05-23 21:12:51 UTC; 1min 0s ago
Main PID: 522 (piaware)
CGroup: /system.slice/piaware.service
├─522 /usr/bin/piaware -p /run/piaware/ -plainlog -statusfile /run/piaware/status.json
├─723 /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr localhost --net-bo-port 30005 --stdout --lat 50.843 --lon 4.468
└─734 /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/fa-mlat-client --input-connect localhost:30005 --input-type dump1090 --results beast,connect,localhos...
May 23 21:12:56 piaware piaware[522]: Starting multilateration client: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/fa-mlat-client --input-connect localhos...63427741
May 23 21:12:56 piaware piaware[522]: piaware has successfully sent several msgs to FlightAware!
May 23 21:12:56 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): fa-mlat-client 0.2.9 starting up
May 23 21:12:56 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Using UDP transport to port 9369
May 23 21:12:56 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Listening for Beast-format results connection on port 30105
May 23 21:12:56 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Listening for Extended Basestation-format results connection on port 30106
May 23 21:12:56 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Input connected to localhost:30005
May 23 21:12:56 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Input format changed to BEAST, 12MHz clock
May 23 21:12:57 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Beast-format results connection with connection established
May 23 21:13:26 piaware piaware[522]: 62 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa; 62 msgs sent to FlightAware
edit: I see newer log messages than that forwarded to FA. Maybe your sdcard is full?
At 10pm (CEST), I had “Nothing Received” for 8 and 9pm
At 11pm, I had some positions for 8pm and “Nothing Received” for 9 and 10pm
Now 11:56pm, I have 7624 positions for 8pm, 699 positions for 9pm, “Nothing Received” for 10pm and none position for 11pm
At 12pm (CEST) … I have 7624 position for 8pm, 5095 positions for 9pm, “Nothing Received” for 10pm and “Nothing Received” for 11pm
tail -f /usr/log/piaware.log (time in UTC)
May 23 21:43:26 piaware piaware[522]: 2303 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (408 in last 5m); 2303 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 23 21:48:26 piaware piaware[522]: 2784 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (481 in last 5m); 2784 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 23 21:53:26 piaware piaware[522]: 3172 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (388 in last 5m); 3172 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 23 21:58:10 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Receiver status: connected
May 23 21:58:10 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Server status: synchronized with 159 nearby receivers
May 23 21:58:10 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Receiver: 230.2 msg/s received 34.2 msg/s processed (15%)
May 23 21:58:10 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Server: 0.0 kB/s from server 0.0kB/s TCP to server 0.5kB/s UDP to server
May 23 21:58:10 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Results: 6.2 positions/minute
May 23 21:58:10 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Aircraft: 4 of 8 Mode S, 9 of 13 ADS-B used
May 23 21:58:26 piaware piaware[522]: 3437 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (265 in last 5m); 3437 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 23 22:03:26 piaware piaware[522]: 3706 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (269 in last 5m); 3706 msgs sent to FlightAware
This morning (9:16am CEST) : I have for yesterday (HOURLY RECEIVED REPORTS (CEST)) : 7624 position for 8pm, 8638 positions for 9pm, 6692 for 10pm and 3785 for 11pm … All seems now OK !
Was there a problem of transmission between the transmission of the reports and their reception and recording (delay of several hours)?
I changed nothing. Now, everything looks normal.
I do not understand what happened last night …
The statistics and piaware worked well today, but now I notice that there is no more reports transmitted since 2 hours while piaware seems to work (as last night) …
sudo systemctl status piaware
● piaware.service - FlightAware ADS-B uploader
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/piaware.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2017-05-23 21:12:51 UTC; 21h ago
Main PID: 522 (piaware)
CGroup: /system.slice/piaware.service
├─522 /usr/bin/piaware -p /run/piaware/ -plainlog -statusfile /run/piaware/status.json
├─723 /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr localhost --net-bo-port 30005 --stdout --lat 50.843 --lon 4.468
└─734 /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/fa-mlat-client --input-connect localhost:30005 --input-type dump1090 --results beast,connect,localhost:30104 --result...
May 24 18:53:26 piaware piaware[522]: 141798 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (528 in last 5m); 141798 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 24 18:58:26 piaware piaware[522]: 142409 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (611 in last 5m); 142409 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 24 18:58:39 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Receiver status: connected
May 24 18:58:39 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Server status: synchronized with 122 nearby receivers
May 24 18:58:39 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Receiver: 315.8 msg/s received 59.6 msg/s processed (19%)
May 24 18:58:39 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Server: 0.1 kB/s from server 0.0kB/s TCP to server 0.8kB/s UDP to server
May 24 18:58:39 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Results: 23.3 positions/minute
May 24 18:58:39 piaware piaware[522]: mlat-client(734): Aircraft: 6 of 15 Mode S, 19 of 26 ADS-B used
May 24 19:03:26 piaware piaware[522]: 143037 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (628 in last 5m); 143037 msgs sent to FlightAware
May 24 19:08:26 piaware piaware[522]: 143833 msgs recv'd from dump1090-fa (796 in last 5m); 143833 msgs sent to FlightAware
I can get an approximate time based on 21:12:51UTC + 21 hours = somewhere between 1812 and 1912 UTC. Which is consistent with the log timestamps.
So I don’t see the problem? Can you explain more clearly what the problem you see is?
The Pi (by default) operates in UTC and logs etc are in UTC, not your local timezone. Perhaps you are assuming the timestamps are local time, which explains the two hour difference?