I need to log into my PiAware and the * username “pi” and password “FlightAware” * as provided in the instructions are not working.
I tried connecting directly to the Pi with a keyboard but I’m having the same issue.
Is there any way to interrupt the boot process and get into Raspbian and run raspi-confg or is the PiAware build something completely different than Raspbian and raspi-config isn’t even available?
I would really like to be able to get into this without resetting everything and starting over.
I am using *** username “pi” and password “flightaware” **** I cut and pasted that from the instructions. Thanks to my browser for capitalizing the “f”.
Is it possible now to put this card back into my PC and see if this file is here?
I’m sure I’ve SSH’d into this before and I was nearly certain the password was flightaware so I’m not sure what could be the issue.
One of the feeders isn’t working which is why I need cli access.
I connected the Pi to a screen and keyboard and tried a few methods that were supposed to help that involved making changes to the SD card in a PC and then putting it back in the Pi but nothing worked.
I’m not sure what could have become corrupted but the ssh password could only have been one of a few I use on my internal devices and none of them were working.