I just installed the SD card in Raspberry, it boots to login, but username pi and password raspberry do not work.
Is there a different default login to get it started?
If you are you using the image from FA the default user is “pi” and the password is “flightaware”.
Thank you! Thank you!
using terminal on Mac OS X:
I can use the sudo login command. Seems to recognize username “pi” because I get a password prompt with a padlock symbol. Here is an example:
Last login: Tue Mar 1 05:34:49 on ttys000
Johns-MBP:~ johnprocter$ sudo piaware-config -user pi
Sorry, try again.
I have tried password “flightaware” and password “raspberry”.
Both do not work. I simply get “Sorry, try again.”
Any idea?
The RPi2 seems to be responding at IP add. which I set manually on my MacBook Pro ethernet connection so I could SHARE my internet WiFi connection with the Pi and the MacBook.
You’re trying to execute piaware-config on your Mac not the Pi. This is of course not how it is done.
First open a terminal on the Mac and
ssh pi@
It will ask if you really want to connect, then ask for user pi’s password, which is ‘flightaware’
Now you have a prompt where you are executing commands on the Pi, as user ‘pi’. Continue with the sudo command to execute piaware-config on the Pi as superuser of the Pi.
Still struggling with this.
Entered code at Terminal (Mac OS X):
Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ johnprocter$ ssh pi@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
Johns-MacBook-Pro:~ johnprocter$
Not sure how to get around this? Maybe this IP address is incorrect.
This is not going to work. Each device on your network needs a different IP. (Or maybe I am misunderstanding what you’re saying, it’s not clear what you mean)
I think the OP is using a “Internet connection share” setup on his or her Mac which connects the Ethernet port of the Pi to the Mac, it then should have access to the Internet through the Mac’s wifi connection. This uses the Mac as sort of a router which accepts traffic on the Ethernet and routes it out via wifi.
Usually a router (the OP’s Mac in this case) is for example and the connected users have a last number different from 1, which is assigned at the discretion of the router.
So by going to, the request merely tried to ssh back to the Mac, and since a default-configured Mac isn’t set up to accept incoming ssh, it refused.
You should be able to use a simple “arp -n” (on the Mac terminal) to discover the IP addresses of devices routing through your computer. Look for another 192.168.2.x, that should be the Pi, so ssh to that address.
Yes sno34: That’s what I am trying to do. A couple of points to add.
- I can configure a Ethernet network connection manually for the Pi and designated the IP address. I set it to per someone else’s suggestion to set up Internet Sharing. Except it was unclear to me on the MacBook Pro if I am setting the Ethernet ports IP address or the Pi’s IP address (which end?)
I will try you suggestion.
- You are correct. The MacBook can “share” internet access for any devices connected to it if Sharing is enabled. I can set up Sharing so any device connected to the Ethernet pert can Share the WiFi Internet connection with the Mac itself.
I wanted to to do this out of convenience since I did not yet have a WiFi Router set up with Ethernet nor did I expect when I got one to be able to place it in a convenient place for the DVB-T antenna/R Pi. I thought keeping the Pi sort of portable and simply connecting it to my MacBOOK when I want to use it would be the preferred way to go.
I also have a USB/WiFi dongle for the RPi. I was going to configure it later after obtaining the PiAware Client from FlightAware and making sure everything was working. This should be even more convenient to get the Pi on my network and find a suitable location for it in my home.