Photo License Agreement

Before I post any images to FA could someone please explain the license agreement. It states that:

*Image Ownership
The owner/submitter of any content continues to retain ownership to the submitted content.

FlightAware License
You grant FlightAware a worldwide, royalty-free, unlimited, irrevocable license to use, transmit, distribute, and sell any submitted content.

What type of sales are we talking about and does the photog receive any compensation? I’m not sure I can agree to a license like this without further explanation as to the copyright issues and to the extent of the usage. Is there more info on this?

You retain the copyright for the photo; you’re only licensing it to us.
We may sell the photo to any third party for any purpose and we will not pay any royalties for this usage.

That’s too bad as I was hoping I could post some of my better images. I also hope you guys will consider some sort of change in the image agreement for future growth and quality of the site. I do enjoy FA and use it often to check on flights for photo ops here at PDX.

That Cessna Caravan is a beauty! :slight_smile: