P-51A collides with P-51D formation landing - VIDEO

ANN coverage](Identities Released In Oshkosh P-51 Landing Collision | Aero-News Network) P-51 accident at Oshkosh
Photo of impact ](http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/World/2007/07/27/4373802-ap.html)ANN update with photos](Identities Released In Oshkosh P-51 Landing Collision | Aero-News Network)

Video of Collision](Edgewebhosting.net)

N151RJ](http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNumSQL.asp?NNumbertxt=151RJ) FAA RegistryN151RJ Photos and complete history of aircraft](Warbird Registry - North American Aviation P-51 Mustang - A Warbirds Resource Group Site) the pilot Casey Odegaard walked away unhurt, aircraft repairable.

N8082U](http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNumSQL.asp?NNumbertxt=8082U) FAA RegistryN8082U photo of home built P-51A completed in 2006 ](North American P-51A Mustang - Untitled | Aviation Photo #1146844 | Airliners.net) Gerard Beck owner/builder lost in accident, aircraft destroyed.

According to the history of N151RJ, Mr. Beck owner/builder of N8082U also restored N151RJ in 1989.

In the video you can see how fast things turn to shit.
It rolled over onto its back in about 1 second. No chance to recover.

Note to self: When landing in formation, make sure:

  1. I can see the other airplane.
  2. I am as slow or slower than the other airplane.
  3. I stick the landing.

Better yet, don’t do it :exclamation: No reason for civilians to EVER be doing formation landings or takeoffs.

  1. Given a long enough runway the trailing aircraft land (or lands) FIRST!

Maybe it’s different for fixed wing, but that’s how it’s taught in rotary aircraft.

Local News ](http://www.bismarcktribune.com/articles/2007/08/01/news/update/doc46b0a1cccf6c8668457042.txt) as hundreds gather for funeral of Warplane builder Gerald Beck.

Having instructed formation flying for the Air Force for three years I can speak to that. You never perform a wing landing on a runway not wide enough for wingtip clearance (which appeared to be an issue here) when each aircraft is centered on their half of the runway. We always taught to stirve for simultaneus touch-down. In the flare, we always stressed not padlocking on lead. You had to bring the runway into your scan in the last bit of the approach and ensure that you were lined up on your half of the strip as well as flying a smooth wing touchdown. That way you ensured you and lead had clearance between your aircraft. This appears to me to be a porked wing landing. He either lost sight of lead and hit him, or, most likely was staring at one spot on the lead and not paying attention to his spacing, particularly to where his wing tip was. We had an accident similar to this at the UPT base I was an instructor. It was in the weather and the wingman got stuck staring at lead to stay in position and drifted in to close and his wing struck the horiz stab of lead. Both jets were able to safely recover on that one. I have no idea how much formation training the wingman had, but it seems to me he was not properly trainined or had not recently wokred on the fundamentals of the wing landing. What a loss.