I’d like to put another PiAware, just on the border of my current range. That could give me about 500 NM. That wouldn’t be an issue normally, as I’d just add it to my account. However I’d like the person who maintains the property, to be able to see the “My ADSB” data and login to Flightaware, as that would interest them.
Can two Flightaware accounts have access to the same PiAware ?
If I configure a Piaware and add it to my account, can I re-allocate it to someone else and have them get an Enterprise account? Or are they best to sign up and do this? They are not very technically savvy.
It is in the configuration file of the device. Once you remove it, you need to go to the claim page for getting a new feeder ID. It is one of the steps (probably the last one) of the setup
If your “someone” is having already an account, he can use this and claim the feeder there, then it appears in his profile.
The site would need to be associated with their account.
To move an existing site to a new account you’d need to contact adsbsupport@flightaware.com with the details. Or if you don’t care about retaining the existing site, you can create a new site and claim it on the other account by clearing out the feeder ID as foxhunter suggests.