No sectional charts using PiAware

About two days ago I can no longer display sectional charts on PiAware. When selecting any of the aviation charts I simply get a blank background. What I did notice is the comment on the lower right that says “Tiles courtesy of ChartBundle”.

A little investigating I believe the url’s for the charts are pulled from /var/share/skyaware/html/layers.js and the aviation charts from “”, this URL does not resolve in DNS.

Is there another location to pull the charts from?


Ditto. Noticed a few days ago.

I have the exact same issue displaying the sectional charts on the three PiAware I have set up.

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Is there an alternate location to get the sectional tiles from?


Has anyone solved this issue?

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Looks like Chartbundle is down permanently

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Same problem here, with both PiAware and SkyAware Anywhere.

I read once that there are open source stand alone software packages as alternative to PiaAware. Anybody have experience or recommendations (good or bad) for any of these packages?

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Bummer! Any response from FlightAware on this? Seems to be a significant loss of functionality.

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These tiles were provided by a 3rd party site that unfortunately seems to have gone MIA. We’re looking at alternatives.


Even if I could simply store tiles for my general area and have the software pull them locally. Since they aren’t be used for navigation updating them once ever few years is way more than needed.

Also I can’t image it would take a lot of storage space.


Apparently was a hobbyist, not a company effort.

This is the explanation from Chartbundle in another forum

Shut down due to a combination of too many outdated components on the system with security vulnerabilities and no time to fix and upgrade them all. Figured it was time to throw in the towel before something bad happened

The source code is posted on Github, but it is beyond my coding abilities.

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Any update on this? Sure miss not having those layers.


New setup, same issue. Any resolution in the works on this? I’ve really enjoyed that feature in the past, hopeful for its return.

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None of the charts for the US work for me. Sectional and TCA used to.

It appears the FAA has sectional charts available:

Scroll down to find “FAA Visual Chart Viewer.”

More information about accessing the data can be found in this thread:

Could FlightAware look into implementing a link to the FAA data in the next version?


Yep, we’re already looking into exactly that!


Flightfeeder SkyAware maps will not show any of the US chart backgrounds, just a blank background except for the NEXRAD radar. All the Worldwide overlays are working.