Nighthawk Why is this “military” flight shown on FA? Is somebody having fun making up this page?

Not so stealthy now, is it? :wink:

Neat find.

Whats with the 727-200 also…

VOODOO1 is just a flight number, not attached to a certain aircraft type. Looking at the flight history, you can see that it was also flown by an F-16 and a T-38.

It is not a military operation and was by request of the operator.

Then what are they doing filing as an F-117?


Why would Lockheed publicly show off nighthawk stats on the internet?


What can you glean from that track that can’t be found in Jane’s?


The flight track and equipment suffix. :smiley:

I’d guess Lockheed requested inclusion in the ASDI feed (which we receive from the FAA) so they could track their own mx/test/ferry flights without investing in an expensive proprietary system.

Naw, you’re all missing the REAL reason this flight is here: This is stealthy-aircraft-manufacturer humor. Lockheed is filing a flight plan with the hope that the FAA (and FlightAware) will have one hell of a time tracking it!! Crazy engineering geeks!! :smiley:

The log stops tracking the flight at 17,000ft. some 40 minutes before it submitted an arrival message. Now that’s stealth!! (Or a software glitch) :smiling_imp:

There was another out of there today for 8 minutes again listed as Voodoo 01 but listed as a T-38P?

If you look at the different flights of VOODOO1, you will see it has operated with many different aircraft types.

Don’t forget we’re not too concerned with keeping the flight profile of the F-117 quiet…it’s retiring from the inventory within a year . Additionaly, most times the callsign of a military flight is associated with the pilot or his organization, not aircraft type…kind of like Air Force One is any aircraft with the president on it, regardless of type.

VOODOO1 was an F-22 for two legs on Saturday. … /KPAM/KTIK … /KTIK/KHIF

Something doesn’t smell right in the altitude info for the track log. I don’t see keeping a 500kt groundspeed while climbing 20000’ per minute. … K/tracklog

Some other zoom climbs/dives in the next leg: … F/tracklog

lol thats pretty cool