With Houston being the fifth US destination for Turkish Airlines, and them already operating to Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and DC, which is the next US destination that might bring in great revenue for Turkish Airlines?
Las Vegas
Miami [Possible to restart service even though they ceased operations?]
Phoenix [unlikely]
Portland, OR [unlikely]
San Francisco
I don’t have an answer to this question but I just flew TK, JED-IST-LAX-IST-JED and it was great. Good food, service and on time. TK in IST has what may be the best Business Class lounge around. They don’t have first class but what they call CIP (Commercially Important Person) instead. Lot’s of connecting flights available too. I liked their forward looking camera, in addition to the regular airshow you can see whatever is in front of the airplane on your TV screen. (777 and 330, don’t know about other types for this.)
The only complaint I have is not with TK but how IST treats passengers connecting on to the US, Canada, UK and Israel. During the peak morning connecting times you have to stand in what can be a long line to check and register your passport/visa prior to going through security heading upstairs to the departure level. I was in that line for 65 minutes.
I think I see them operating to SFO and PHL. Airline Alliance members always operate to airports where airlines have a hub. IAH, LAX, ORD, and IAD for example, UAL has a hub at those airports and TK operates their. But I’d most likely see SFO.
Nobody asked you to post your experience with TK! Either answer the question, or don’t post at all!
For those who are not used to my style of writing or pinheads who use their second post to blast somebody I guess I should have started my post with:
Speculation can be fun but in the absence of an actual announcement and while we are on the subject of TK here is my recent experience on said airline. I post this for the edification of those who may be traveling in that general direction or those who are interested. Everybody else can ignore this post.
My guess is that they’ll most likely operate to SFO. I think it might have a bigger market that PHL. But I guess we need to wait until the airline makes an announcement.
porterjet, thank you for commenting! I now know how the Turkish Airlines experience will be thanks to you. I might even fly with them in the future. But hopefully, I’ll avoid some of the rude IST staff, and be sure to get in line extra early when connecting to the US or some other country.
What makes you decide to bash on people when he is just sharing his or her experience?! porterjet’s post is actually helpful for travelers traveling with TK via or to IST! I am glad porterjet posted cause if I were to travel TK, I’d know how the experience would be from someone else how already experienced flying with TK! “mrfappingmachine”, quit being rude to everybody! Judging by your name, it looks like you should still be playing Runescape or some other crappy childish game on the internet! If you want to post, you should be posting something nice instead of saying what you said to porterjet!
In my opinion, I doubt a 12 yr old like “mrfappingmachine” wouldn’t even know what that word means. :mrgreen: Yet how does this particular 12 yr old know it by now?
I don’t see Turkish flying into Denver anytime soon, hence they havn’t talked about service here yet. If they do come thats great lets hope for the 777W’s!
I’m live here in Denver and we get Voloris on December 8th 2012!