Hi, im new to the board and website, but i was hoping someone could help with some of my questions…
Does anyone know how many flights take off in the United States and in the world a day (im only asking about commercial airlines)…im only interested in take off because thats when im most nervous and i guess the information would somehow help me calm down…maybe
Does anyone know how many people fly per day in the United States and in the world a day…i’ve heard something near 3 million people in the world a day fly…that seems a bit high to me, but i don’t know…
Is there a way on this website to view the Live Tracking as it updates each minute…is there a way to just have it on live tracking for the whole nation so you can watch as the red dots move per minute or whatever the update time is…everytime i hit live tracking i just get a static picture of the current time, but it doesn’t move…
I fly quite frequently, but i have a very hard time doing it…i feel the main reason i am so scared is because i don’t have a very good idea of how many planes fly each day…i don’t really understand the mechanics behind how a plane flies and i often just have very crazy thoughts in my mind…i used to be able to fly pretty easily, but as i have gotten older i feel that the crazy thoughts have gotten worse…i manage to fly because i convince myself this is the only way to get from point a to point b…but it isn’t something i like doing at all…i honestly feel if i had more information about things such as amount of flights per day and how many take off a day, i would be able to better convince myself that the fear is only in my mind and that i need to just relax…
thank you for all your help…i appreciate it very much…