New Raspberry Pi available - Pi 4

I went back and re-imaged Buster. Got all the updates and upgrades. Unhooked my pro-stick orange. Installed as per these instructions PiAware - dump1090 ADS-B integration with FlightAware - FlightAware steps 1 2 and 3. Activated my share key sudo piaware-config feeder-id (your key goes here) and made sure I have output on my 1090 map. Then I plugged in my FA pros-stick orange used for UAT I went back and installed dump978-fa and skyview978 ver 3.7.1( Dump978 Add-On Installation Procedures? - #17 by abcd567) and now all works perfectly. My dongles were previously serialized. Added TAR1090 maps and graphs.

Actually took notes on all that everyone here who posted and guided me through.