I have installed and been able to track traffic, very simple setup. I have NOT been successful at connecting to the flightaware server.
I have tried port forwarding 30005, however I can’t find any troubleshooting tips OR better yet a simple walkthrough of connecting. I can see the site picks up my public IP, so that is working. I am not sure why i am not able to connect.
and I have already made sure the services were up, but I’ll check again. Never know THAN YOU for the help and time. Q: is there a resource for the ports / protocol? that need to be opened on the firewall?
So… worked for a bit. Now back down, had a power bump well maybe someone unplugged the RPi NOW can’t connect again? Do I need to reclaim the connection?
Just check the log again.
I’d guess you have set up your networking wrong … maybe describe if you set up a static IP or something else than the default DHCP?