N454DR Embraer Phenom 300 first USA delivery . . .

FlightAware Flight Tracker first Phenom 300 (EMB-505) delivered to USA Customer.

Phenom 500 serial number 5 (N454DR) was officially delivered last Wednesday to Tug Hill Aviation of Ft. Worth Texas, thus becoming the first customer aircraft worldwide.

The Phenom’s owner is a affiliate of Tug Hill Inc, a privately held, diversified domestic oil and gas investment firm. Apparently the delivery was made last week, thus qualifying for 2009 bonus take depreciation.

Serial number 6, was slated to be the first delivery, however it’s delivery has been delayed? until next month.

N454DR has replaced a Cessna Conquest I, and will also be available for corporate charters.

Note; registration corrected!!
Note; Model number corrected!!!

'Bout a month ago there was a Phenom at CXO for a couple days… Who owned that one? Embraer?

Registration incorrect in title and text, correct in link.

Corrected, thanx.

There are currently 61 Phenom 100’s on the US Register.

Phenom 100’s

Currently only 1 Phenom 300 on the US Register.

Phenom 300

Phenom 100

Phenom 300

That is one smooth looking aircraft (especially that pic of one somebody posted in some other thread on here)! - I think it’s second only to that new Emivest jet, IMO. Definitely going to take a cut in the biz jet business.

The only thing left to fix now is the model in the subject of the thread…

The mix up is the Phenom 100 and the Phenom 300

Is officially the EMB-500 and the EMB-505.
