N222AQ FlightAware member in fatal Aerostar crash . . .

FlightAware Flight Tracker Aerostar 601P with ‘Superstar 700 conversion’. N222AQ

Aircraft had just departed from Aurora IL, and crashed about two miles from the airport - described as a high velocity impact.

Chicago News coverage

photo posted by FlightAware member glbradford
Unfortunately Gary Bradford was fatally injured in this crash along with passenger.

His one and only post: discussions.flightaware.com/view … 085#100085 RIP Gary, Prayers for the family and Friends

From what I’ve read, and quotes from Gary’s friends, he had a true passion for flying.
That is a very ‘heavy’ and ironic post from FlightAware thread.

Memorial at crash site

Flight is freedom in its purest form,
To dance with the clouds which follow a storm;

To roll and glide, to wheel and spin,
To feel the joy that swells within;

To leave the earth with its troubles and fly,
And know the warmth of a clear spring sky;

Then back to earth at the end of a day,
Released from the tensions which melted away.

Should my end come while I am in flight,
Whether brightest day or darkest night;

Spare me your pity and shrug off the pain,
Secure in the knowledge that I’d do it again;

For each of us is created to die,
And within me I know,
I was born to fly.

by Gary Claud Stokor

Wow and I blasted the guy for reviving an old post. Sorry old boy.

Hey, who could have known?

Rest in piece, Gary.

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I’ve topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I’ve trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

For some reason, I doubt he minded. Besides, he had a good post.
On the news link posted above, there are several comments from family of both guys on the plane.

From reading the story and eye witness accounts and looking at the google map and satellite map of that area,

it looks like he had engine problems and was circling back to land in that field, but just missed it, probably due to the engine failure and weather

From the map, the accident scene it almost directly north of the airport.

May they rest in piece

Google Maps

This is unconfirmed at this time, however in reading through all news coverage, it appears the aircraft was traveling South and was heading back to the airport - and seems may have clipped hydro lines.

Also a person living 1/2 mile from the crash site, described the plane by what he heard, saying the aircraft was very loud - to me, meaning flying very low.

If he was returning to the airport, most likely there will be ATC transmission tapes to confirm this, and possibly answer why?

In looking at the map, I can see the hydro lines North of the crash site, aircraft was reported flying South to the airport - which put N222AQ in a direct line between the power lines and the crash site.

Crash site is 42W420 Old Oaks Rd. Sugar Grove, IL.

Again, these are not FACTS, just what is being reported in the press at this time.

A little spooky the nature of his one and only post. :cry:

Canada English to American English translator
Hydro lines = High voltage transmission power lines

Wow This was closer to home then I realized. STORY

This is not good, if you read the second post, and I cannot attest to the validity of it
