My photos your rules?

Which translated means we might use your photo on a part of our site, we’re not going to frame them and sell them for our profit. It’s so wordy because without it being that way some half wit moron would take the meaning as offensive to him or his photos and …oh wait… 8) but I digress, the photos are deleted, FA didn’t make fortunes from your photos and I say goodday.
Now to get back to enjoying a pretty cool website that does a pretty good job and even offers it free of charge to me. :wink:

Which translated means we might use your photo on a part of our site, we’re not going to frame them and sell them for our profit. :unamused: Are you right? You know Wars have been started because one group believes the Bible or Rules say one thing and the other group believes it means something else and the Words never Change? :wink: It’s so wordy because without it being that way some half wit moron would take the meaning as offensive to him or his photos and …oh wait… 8) but I digress, the photos are deleted, FA didn’t make fortunes from your photos and I say goodday.
Now to get back to enjoying a pretty cool website that does a pretty good job and even offers it free of charge to me. :wink:/quo

The way you act on this website tells me you are a sad little person who has no life. :wink:

This just gets better and better.

I like this Cat :exclamation:

Most. Ghey. Thread. EVER…

Hey if I wanted to really Rip into you via this website Private or not I could. You are not a :smiling_imp: Saint and to tell anybody to hurt themself makes you look like the sad little person you are :exclamation: :mrgreen:

Well thank you for the restraint so as to not rip me… I mean I don’t know what state I’d be in if you “ripped” me in front of the board users.

Would your shoes qualify as “lighter than air”?

and really, I’m embarrassed that this has gone to a 2 page thread…I mean it’s a cheap 30 second thrill to get a rise out of it, but it’s sad that it’s gone this long. :laughing:

Well if I was you and Thank God I’m not! The only person here that should be Embarrassed is you pfp217? :smiling_imp:

Pfp217 do you work in make believe :question: Your private message nor mine wasn’t shocking unless you were on the Make believe Train ride choo choo.

Pat…Pika , I’m tapping out… I’ve had my fun with this one.

So have I and its time to put you as a (foe) goodbye sad little choo choo

Do I need to get permission to use this cat…without copyright.

I do not understand the emphasis every amateur photographer places on his/her photos and being copyrighted. Sure you took the photo, but it is nothing more but of an image available for anyone to see that you happened to have captured. Often times the subject of the photo is private property of someone else, so can they claim ownership of said photo. I guess I could see if you put a lot of effort into editing the photo into some kind of artwork that only you did, but claiming copyright of one of a million of the same photo of a SW 737, or a Delta Airbus just seems like a lot of foolishness to me.

[quote=“davysims”] BULL$H!T

Bullsh!t you say? You may believe what you want I know what I have sold. I looked at your work which is nothing special and did you get Model releases from those women?

Never said it was, there is no way I could compare to such classics of yours like this one… … tes/page/4

and this Kodak moment… … tes/page/4