To the web page designer(s), an option that would be an improvement is the ability to see a chart with a LOG Y-axis rather than only linear.
This image is from the web site:
This image shows how the MLAT data is actual visible. I used Base10 for these images but any Base could be used. I think the best Base choice would depend on the maximum total amount over the chart range. Allowing the user to select the Base through a web page configuration would be nice.
I always prefer linear charts as it gives you a real view of deviations.
For long term reasons i am generating stats with a 3-day or 7-day average line
I don’t really look at data other than through “My ADS-B”.
I am not asking to eliminate the linear view, but to add a LOG option.
I would be hard pressed to spot a deviation if looking at the “MLAT” data on a linear chart. It is basically a flat line. The “Other” line does show a bit more but again a deviation would be difficult to see.
I guess I could look at the gap between “Total” and “ADS-B” and ignore “Other” and “MLAT”. Nah!
FYI, if you click on a source (“All” & “ADS-B” for example) it hides the results for that category.
But overall you are right, Without hiding the All & ADS-B graph line, it’s impossible to see that I was working out some issues and had UAT disabled for a few days lately.
Your question can be solved as the charts are interactive. You can hide the ADS-B line and the Y-axis will be adjusted to the MLAT data which is lower compared to the ADS-B