I am new to this site and am wondering if or how I can view an entire map of the U.S. that shows aircraft in flight. A map other than the one with the tiny red dots. Also is there a way to move a local map in any direction? Similar to what you can do with mapquest. My viewing intrests are not really particular on any specific airline or type of aircraft. I would simply like to see what all is up there at any givin time.
Ah, yes. The “Pan & Zoom Map”. It is a great mystery here on FlightAware. I have been gone a while, but I believe it is the “In the Works” file for these guys.
As usual, FA Gurus (and Allen or Dami…sorry, couldn’t pass that up), feel free to correct me***
Anyway, welcome to FlightAware (FA). Feel free to browse around and you will soon catch on to the underlying jokes that are thrown around randomly in posts.
***Edited for better wording.
Welcome viking84
This is a frequently asked enhancement and the folks that are building this fine website says it’s in the works.
Stay tuned
You mentioned the wrong name, I don’t treat people that way.
I know. It was that or "smack me upside the head and say “What the hell are you taking about?”. Figured that didn’t work either, so I just went with something simple…I need another drink…