I’m working in JS, and I just got the output of the current flight as an image like this:
But, what I want is to get the live map of that flight not just the image. How do I get the map? With which function, like MapFlightEx or something different?
Thank you.
FlightXML2 can only generate static image maps as you see above. If you would like interactive Javascript maps, then that is something you will need to implement yourself by using the position data returned by FlightXML combined with map tiles and geographic data that you have sourced from elsewhere.
Alternatively, you can simply link to the FlightAware web page for that flight: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/id/
+ faFlightID.
We are planning to provide the capability of generating an embeddable Javascript map for FlightXML3 in the coming months, however I don’t have any more specific timeframe for that yet.
Hi! Is the capability of generating an embeddable Javascript map for FlightXML3 available?
Or something similar?
Not yet. Static image maps are still the only functionality directly offered by FlightXML.