Normally when looking at local airport activity on the Flight Aware website (i.e. local airport CYWG) there is an overlay ( layer ) option that was available for nearby flights. that option seems to has disappeared in the last day. Was quite nice previously - green aircraft departing target airport, blue aircraft arriving, white aircraft passing through the airspace.
Anyone else experiencing the same issue.
Beginning a little bit ago, if i click on the LIVE FLIGHT TRACKING to see the nationwide or even zoom in to see a specific area flight activity there are no aircraft. I hit the “+” but there is no option to check or uncheck nearby aircraft. I have tried logging off then back on without success and I have tried a different computer. Still not working. Did I mess something up? If so, how do I correct it? Thanks.
I’m experiencing the same issue - no “nearby flights” showing up on the real-time map.
This feature is temporarily disabled due to performance issues. It played a large part in the site issues we suffered on Thursday. We’ll have it back once we’re sure it won’t contribute to major failures again.
I am hoping you do manage to find a solution and are able to get the additional information back onto the screen. I use the local airport info not just to monitor what is coming to and going from that port, but also to identify the traffic passing overhead. It was a great FlightAware feature.
Could you post on @flightawareops twitter page when the feature is restored?
I’m looking forward to having this feature restored.
Not working for me either. I thought it was something I did of did not do.
I just saw the reply from flight aware staff. tks for working on.
I find this feature extremely useful both as a hobby and on the job. Can you all try to restore this feature sooner rather than later? One idea, maybe restore the feature with less background image choices? I am sure downloading hi-res satellite/street maps with the current aircraft traffic is more of load on the cdn servers than with basic maps background imagery.
OK folks, as of about half an hour ago we’ve reenabled the Nearby Aircraft layer and it appears the performance issues have been solved. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we worked through these issues.
To add to that^^ “There is one outstanding issue that was noticed while testing just now: hovering over aircraft on the /live map doesn’t show data blocks for aircraft. There’s already a fix for that and it’ll go out tomorrow.”
Thanks for all your work on this. It is greatly appreciated. All features, including the hovering function, appear to be working now.