Just can't get PiAware working


Hopefully I am posting this in the right area. I’m moving over from SBS-1 world but can’t get my FlightAware Pro stick (+ filter) working through a Raspberry Pi 3.

I got PiAware (Jessie 2.1.5 version) installed on a formatted microSD card. The Raspberry Pi is booting up to the pi@piaware:~$ command. I go to claim my PiAware client on flightaware.com and get told the following message: Unfortunately, Flightaware hasn’t found a new, unclaimed PiAware connection from your IP (78.18.XX.XX). Either your device has not yet connected or you are on a different IP address. It gives me the option to checked again for my PiAware or setup manually. I’ve tried the manual process (entering password + restart) but that has not fixed the issue. Below the message I have another one saying *Great news! Your account is associated with the following PiAware receivers and you can view your stats here. 1. xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx: PiAware (SD Card) 2.1 added Monday 23rd 2016 (78.18.XX.XX/192.168.XX.XX). *

When I click on the link for stats, I am not listed in the table. I google adsb/stats/user/pilotngb and it states that they are not receiving my data or I need to register my receiver. Nothing happens of course when I goto the webpage with port 8080.

Any ideas? I think its an IP issue with my router. Why is it calling out a 78 IP address rather than 192?

I can connect to my Raspberry remotely using PuTTY and the internet within the Raspberry software is working fine.

Hopefully someone can help me get through this frustrating part of the setup!

Maybe temporarily shut off your firewall.

I have a motorola router and the router is defective. I put the thing in the bridged mode and connected it to a better router. Now it is just a cable modem.

the 2 IP’s is it’s calling out your internet facing IP and your internal IP, have you checked the output of /tmp/piaware.out and see if there is anything obvious? Or you can post them to like pastebin and we can take a look

Firewall made no difference.

One question - should the Raspberry Pi be visible on my router under listed connected devices? It isn’t.

Here is the output from the file.

05/24/2016 20:18:59 ****************************************************
05/24/2016 20:18:59 piaware version 2.1-5 is running, process ID 569
05/24/2016 20:18:59 your system info is: Linux piaware 4.1.19-v7+ #858 SMP Tue Mar 15 15:56:00 GMT 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux
05/24/2016 20:18:59 Connecting to FlightAware adept server at piaware.flightaware.com/1200
05/24/2016 20:18:59 Connection to adept server at piaware.flightaware.com/1200 failed: couldn’t open socket: no such device or address (Temporary failure in name resolution)
05/24/2016 20:18:59 reconnecting in 85 seconds…
05/24/2016 20:18:59 ADS-B data program ‘dump1090’ is listening on port 30005, so far so good
05/24/2016 20:18:59 Starting faup1090: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr localhost --net-bo-port 30005 --stdout
05/24/2016 20:18:59 Started faup1090 (pid 641) to connect to dump1090
05/24/2016 20:19:41 0 msgs recv’d from dump1090; 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
05/24/2016 20:20:24 Connecting to FlightAware adept server at piaware.flightaware.com/1200
05/24/2016 20:20:24 Connection with adept server at piaware.flightaware.com/1200 established
05/24/2016 20:20:25 FlightAware server SSL certificate validated
05/24/2016 20:20:25 encrypted session established with FlightAware
05/24/2016 20:20:25 autoUpdate is not set in adept config, looking further…
05/24/2016 20:20:25 autoUpdate in /etc/piaware is enabled, allowing update
05/24/2016 20:20:25 manualUpdate is not set in adept config, looking further…
05/24/2016 20:20:25 manualUpdate in /etc/piaware is enabled, allowing update
05/24/2016 20:20:25 multilateration support enabled (use piaware-config to disable)
05/24/2016 20:20:25 logged in to FlightAware as user pilotngb
05/24/2016 20:24:29 0 msgs recv’d from dump1090 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
05/24/2016 20:29:29 0 msgs recv’d from dump1090 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
05/24/2016 20:34:29 0 msgs recv’d from dump1090 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
05/24/2016 20:34:49 piaware received a message from dump1090!
05/24/2016 20:39:29 1 msgs recv’d from dump1090 (1 in last 5m); 1 msgs sent to FlightAware
05/24/2016 20:44:29 1 msgs recv’d from dump1090 (0 in last 5m); 1 msgs sent to FlightAware

Something has changed in the last couple of hours. It seems I have a profile now/

I need a new connector for my antenna. Hopefully that arrives tomorrow and I will start to see data.

My Pi gets a DHCP address from the router. You may have a static IP (non-changing address).

everything looks fine now, you just need to get that antenna fixed and you should see some aircraft