100% Fake, and an old one at that. Seems like whenever there’s a Aviation (crash) event, theres an internet mailing that makes the rounds. I can remember seeing this a bunch of times. Some of the pic’s are are real, but many like this are false.
Yeah… like she’d wanna talk to me… WAAAAaaaaaay outta my league!
Moot point anyway as I already have a “ball-n-chain” securely fastened around my ankle. Flirtation leads to temptation, and the cost of removing said ball-n-chain would exceed any short-term pleasures gained in being graced by the presence of our reigning beauty queen.
The explosion is real, the landing scenario is fake. The explosion was a test performed on a stationary 747. Using a real image from the explosion test, someone photoshopped to make the plane look like it was landing. Nice work but obviously bogus.
Awww, you and Allen are the sweetest NeedleNose!! However, what you say certainly has merit. Calls to mind the old addage, “Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned!!”