iOS app beta testing for version 6.19.4

Hello! It’s been a while since we’ve announced beta testing on the forum, but we’re giving it a shot again.

We will soon be starting beta testing for the next version of our iOS app, version 6.19.4. This version contains many bug fixes, including (but not limited to):

  • Odd behavior in aircraft datablocks on the map – counter not ticking, information oscillating back and forth
  • Issue with aircraft on map when selecting an airport and the “Flight Tracks” map layer is turned off for airports
  • “Airport Weather Unavailable” alerts that were showing when they shouldn’t
  • Airports not saved in the search history on the main page of the app for users who are logged in
  • Map overlay settings not saved for users who are logged out
  • incorrect alignment for some delayed flights on the airport board for the new airport board experience (which you may not see in your app)
  • a flight with no destination on the new airport board experience shows a bullet symbol before the aircraft type
  • incorrect aspect ratio for some photos in My Aviator main view (for Aviator subscribers)

This version also contains enhancements, including:

  • more complete and actionable error messages when FlightAware backend servers are experiencing issues

If you’re not already part of the beta testing group and you’d like to be, please respond in this thread and we’ll add you to the list. We’ll send you an invite to join us by email at the address that you have on file for your FlightAware account. The email will have instructions for installing the “TestFlight” application from the App Store to access our beta versions.

I’m happy to try and help beta testing.

You’ve been added, thanks!

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I’ll be happy to do some testing as well :slight_smile:

You’ve been added, thanks!

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Installed and playing aroundwith it :wink::+1:t2:

I’d be happy to test. former Apple Engineer

Happy to test here as well (UK).

Thanks, you’ve been added!

You have been added, thank you!

I would like to be part of Beta Testing. Thanks

You’ve been added, thank you!

I would be pleased to be beta tester as well, please add me to the list

You’ve been added, thanks!

v6.19.4 build 747 has now been released for public beta testing. You should be able to access it in your TestFlight app shortly. If you’d like, turn on “Automatic Updates” in TestFlight so you’ll get our latest builds installed automatically.

If you find any issues or have any other feedback, please report using the TestFlight feedback mechanism and not in this thread, forum DMs, etc.

This thread is still open for new beta testers; feel free to continue posting if you’d like to join and I’ll be sure to add you.

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In the mail it says will run on a Mac as well. But when I try to open it, it says it will only run on a IOS device. Could you please help me out?

Our iOS app does not support running on Macs, either for TestFlight testing or for regular use. It seems like that’s generic text that Apple puts in those TestFlight emails.

Ok thank I understand.

I would like to test please