Welcome! A few days ago we posted a squawk that asked for users to volunteer to beta test the upcoming version 5.0 of our FlightAware iOS app. We received responses from more than a hundred users in less than a day and a personalized email describing how to download the beta version using Apple’s “Test Flight” app will be sent to those accepted users by Saturday Nov 7.
At this time we have reached our limit and are not looking for any additional beta testing users. So if you missed out the opportunity to join, we thank you for your interest and hope you’ll be able to help us out next time.
Our app’s final release schedule will depend on how we feel the beta testing is progressing, but we are optimistically hoping to release it before the holiday travel season this year.
Users that have received the beta notification and successfully downloaded the beta 5.0 application, please feel free to create new threads in this forum with your feedback or questions. Thanks.