Increasing the retirement age from 60 to 65?

The U.S Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation has kicked this issue around every few years lately. I’ve heard pros and cons and a few good ideas on how to equitably increase the mandatory retirement age from 60 to 65. What does everyone think? And why? :question:
Also, thanks for this new forum guys!

Got a link to any articles that cover the pros and cons?

Hi Daniel, It’ll take a while, but I’ll dig them up.

Here is one of many articles on the subject

and an interesting timeline of events & court cases

It’s called the “FAA Age 60 Rule”. Google that to see lots more.

The AP reviewed 2000 through 2004 NTSB records related to general aviation, a category that encompasses private, recreational and corporate pilots. Also checked were FAA files covering all pilots.

Among the findings:

_ Pilots age 60 and over accounted for 23.6 percent of all general aviation accidents even though they represented just 14.7 percent of all licensed pilots. Those in the 50-59 age group were responsible for 26.4 percent of accidents; they were 22.1 percent of all licensed pilots.

_ Pilots 50 and older were involved in 55.8 percent of all general aviation accidents that led to fatalities, although this group comprised just 36.8 percent of all licensed pilots.

_ Pilots in other age groups - those in their 40s, 30s, and 20s and teens - had proportionately fewer accidents over the five-year period and in each individual year.

Full Story: Older pilots crashing in disproportionate numbers

Daniel, I’m 47 and you’re not giving me a heck of a lot to look forward to… :frowning: