IFR Routes is a great feature, but...

I love this website. The IFR routes is a great feature to help me figure out in advance what route to file and hopefully get.

However, why does it only list flights from the last couple of days, rather than going back the full 90 day search. Sometimes this yields zero results over some pretty common routes like ISP-PVD for example.



That’s a good idea. I’ve filed it as an enhancement in our bug tracking system (open to the public at bugs.flightaware.com/show_bug.cgi?id=69 ).

not sure i understand

what will the enhancement be?

The change will be to list the last xx number of flights, instead of flights in the last xx days.

Along those lines, can we specify a class of aircraft (e.g. single-engine piston, jet, etc.)? Seeing routes for Learjets and King Airs doesn’t necessarily tell me what routing to expect for my Skyhawk.

Filtering by altitude, engine type, or ICAO wake category would be relatively easy to implement.

I’ve filed this as an enhancement in our bug tracking system (open to the public at http://bugs.flightaware.com/show_bug.cgi?id=80).

Are you finding that you’re getting too many results and not able to pick out what routes are appropriate? I felt like being able to see the altitude resolved the problem of determining good routes.

On most routes that I fly, I’ve felt like I’m lucky if I can find a king air or similar on the route to see if they’re on a different route than the hawkers and citation X’s of the world. In lots of cases, it’s the same if you’re a C172 or a B757, I’ve found.

My concern is that if you the searches are limited too much, the number of results will be so few that it will be insufficient.

We’re still working on all these requested features. However, we recently added the ability to serach major terminals (ZNY ZLA ZHU, etc.) and if you search for “HOU” to “AUS,” for example, it will suggest searching the entire Houston terminal area.

It’s great to see the IFR routes, but for a non-pilot there’s a certain lack of ‘reality’ to them.

For instance, American 1410 (KRNO to KDFW) shows the route “FMG J92 YERIN MVA ILC BCE RSK LVS TXO UKW8”.

Is there any way to find the actual point locations of these? Perhaps you could show these on the tracking map itself by plotting the first letter at the appropriate location. It could be interesting to see if there have been any flight plan deviations for weather conditions, etc.

Even most of us pilots don’t know every navaid in the country. :smiley:
Plotting the flight’s planned route (with navaids) is in the works.

Even most of us pilots don’t know every navaid in the country.
Plotting the flight’s planned route (with navaids) is in the works.

Mmmmmm, it’ll taste sooooo good! FlightAware is going to be absolutely delicious.

First off I would like to commend you folks at FlightAware for an absoulutely OUTSTANDING website! I hope you guys have alot of bandwidth, because I think your going to need it pretty soon as your URL is propagated thru the aviation community! …standing ovation subsides.

I think your use of span tags to display the aircraft type and equipment suffix is superb, any chance to you do the same with the VOR’s listed in the flight plan route? (i.e FMG could span “Mustang 117.9”)

Thanks again, and keep up the excellent work!


Sure, we have all that info. I’ve filed it as an enhancement in our bug tracking system (open to the public here) so you can follow our progress.

sorry for the newbie question, but where on the site do I find this IFR Routes function?

It’s here and is linked off the Analysis page.