FYI, I tried something different yesterday and filed an IFR flight plan with VFR/055 in the altitude block. That generates a strip at the controller’s desk just like IFR but they see I am conducting the flight as VFR.
I was given a national beacon code and the handoff was accepted by CHI center from MLI tracon. The flight is missing in the airplane history. N1626X route MLI…C09 on 9/16/06 and was in the air around 2030Z.
I filed it from AOPA flight planner using DUATS and saw the response from the host when it was accepted as an IFR flight plan. Duats replied “transmitted to ZAU ARTCC” and it had “IFR” in the flight plan type block.
I’ll have to check the logs to confirm, but we probably recieved it as a flight plan but never recieved the departure message, so the flight plan was automatically cancelled by the FAA.
FYI, I tried something different yesterday and filed an IFR flight plan with VFR/055 in the altitude block. That generates a strip at the controller’s desk just like IFR but they see I am conducting the flight as VFR.
Just curious, why do this?
Why not ask for VFR on top handling after receiving your clearance?
The purpose of filing IFR with “VFR/altitude” in the altitude block is that it gets you flight following without the controller having to type anything in. The controller won’t have to input your N-number, type,route,altitude, and then issue a local code etc… and then submit a request for a Center beacon code after all of the typing is done and have you change your squawk. I just took advantage of knowing how the automation works.
This is different than VFR ON TOP, I was not IFR. I was never issued a clearance limit. A lot of times Chicago won’t accept a handoff if they have to do anything extra. This was strictly VFR with me doing the typing instead of the controller. The sky was clear.
Of course they could still have terminated me if they wanted to, I just tried to make it easy for them to handle me.
By the way, if memory serves me right, VFR On Top still means you have to fly the cleared route, just maintain VFR altitudes.
There have been some big discussions on rec.aviation.ifr about this that should show up in Google.
With me living in the land of direct (N1943L), I get cleared as filed without fail. Even when I flew up to Baltimore MD, I filed direct, and when I got closer, received an amended clearance (direct MRB to EMI to DMW)
To be honest, I don’t see any benefit of VFR on top in the land of direct so I don’t mess with VFR flight plans. Either I squawk and talk or don’t mess with ATC on some of my shorter cross country trips (less then 100NM) unless airspace is an issue.
Based on your response, since you didn’t have an IFR clearance, nor were on an IFR flight plan, this probably would make sense why Flight Aware didn’t create a flight entry for your tail number. Check out