How to see recent flights on map?

Is it possible to see recent flights on a map? Similar to watching the map live, but from the past?

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There is this:

The script you suggested is for a local installation on your ADS-B feeder.
I assume the Thread Opener is asking for the FA map

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You may well be right but the original poster was not very specific as to exactly what it was they wanted.

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I was taking it by the fact that he requested it in the general category and not in the ADS-B section.

But maybe he can give us some light on it.

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Thank you for the replies. I was hoping for a simple method using the standard FA GUI, but if that doesn’t offer a solution, I’m interested in other options.

On a high level, I’d like to see other aircraft around mine during a recent flight.

Unfortunately, I don’t think it is possible to play back a flight and look at surrounding aircraft using the FA website or apps. I do know however that you can do this on some of the other tracking sites.

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A playback functionality is offered by Flightradar24.
This shows you the regular map, but based on your selected timeframe.

The playback speed is minimum 12x, but you can stop at a certain point for review


Awesome, that’s exactly what I needed. Thanks!

By the way, the iOS app lets you slow it down to 1x if needed.

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