How to Install and Configure Piaware 5.0 SD card image - Quickstart Guide

No, that’s normal for a two-dongle system, soapysdr wants to scan all the dongles when looking for the right one and hits that error on the in-use one. You’d see a different failure if the requested dongle was actually already in use.

UAT traffic is very dependent on the weather (because it’s mostly GA)

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okay. I will stop giving advice. Bad advice is worse than no advice. :slight_smile:

So this got weird… I was pretty sure they each had locked onto their correct dongle but as a test I thought why don’t I unplug the antenna on the 978, if they were swapped the message count on the 1090 would go down to 0… well when I unplugged the antenna from the 978 dongle the message rate on the 1090 went up from around 312/sec to about 375/sec. So thinking maybe its a power issue I unplugged the 978 dongle… well then my message rate went down to about 240.

For now I shut off 978 all together and unplugged the dongle. I’m going to go with this being a power issue and order a powered USB hub tomorrow, but in the mean time I’m curious if anyone else has thoughts.

What’s your signal chain?

Antenna … cable … dongle?

Mobile frequencies are closer to UAT and can be more of a problem.

If the GA traffic is flying below Florida popcorn clouds they might be very low and that limits the range you can see them quite a lot.
How do you check if you’ve seen aircraft?

Signal Chain is: Diamond Discone Antenna @ 15’ — 25’ LMR400 — Flightaware Prostick
Gain is on default (hadn’t thought to lower it until I got data to compare but good idea)

I was checking both by using the perf graph install found elsewhere on the forums, and by piping it to VRS (I know planes won’t show but it would still register packets.)

I brought the dongle to my office today (about 5 miles from house and less then a mile from airport) and plugged it into another Pi and a cheap mini mag antenna on a metal can and sure enough saw a plane on 978 the second I got it all online so dongle definitely works. Range is junk but I’m sure that’s more the metal building and an untuned antenna.

When I get home tonight I am going to plug it all back up with an old powered USB hub and tune the gain way down… I’ll leave it there and see if I get any traffic tomorrow. Maybe it was just the holiday weekend but that’s usually when I see lots of smaller planes at our local airport so I expected higher UAT traffic then weedays.

For what frequency range is it made?
I’d rather use a quarter wave ground plane, something like the the spider or cantenna.

Yellow i hope?

Try lowering the gain to 30 for the yellow pro stick.

Discone is for 25 to 1300 MHz, its my general SDR antenna but its the only free metal I have in the air right now besides a 20m dipole. It will be replaced with a dedicated and tuned antenna once proof of concept works and I can get more coax up.

Yes it is a yellow (not plus), unfortunately filters are on back-order at amazon or I would have one on it.

That is problematic because it will receive TV stations and stuff along those lines VERY well.
That in turn will overload the LNA.

Not much you can do probably even with lowering gain.

If you have a dongle like the rtl-sdr v3 without integrated LNA it will likely receive much better.

As you already tried it, even a cut whip antenna might give better reception placed in a window. Exactly because the reception is weaker and the LNA isn’t overloaded.

Would love to do a cut whip… but every whip I have has the coil on the bottom. I rigged up a paperclip as an antenna it It’s working for about 20 miles, will have to do till the filters are back in stock but at least I know it works.

You dont have to cut the whip if you dond want. Just unscrew whip from base, put it aside, and use a thin wire as whip. Thin wire can either a steel tie wire, or one out of several wire in a scrap network cable.

Cut the wire to 67mm length after fixing it on the threaded stud of the base.


Left whip 75mm for 978 Mhz
Right whip 67mm for 1090 Mhz

Go to the dolar store, buy a 2-3 ft long RG-6 patch cord, and build a QuickSpider. No soldering required, F plug ‘built-in’. Very good performance.

Search for detailed instructions and pictures here on the forum.

A paperclip is made of thin wire. :wink:

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DIY QUICK SPIDER - No Soldering Required, No SO239 Connector Required

Did not realize you rigged a whip with paper clip. Thought you rigged some other type of antenna with paper clip.

Hi So quick point the image do work but only in dhcp and ssh not possible.
I’ve install about 6times the system on pi3b+ rasbian stretch lite and just get it work for about 1hr one time before the ajax error. I’ve install with the script:

try the mutualitiy.
And then install the FA version with the mod from abcd:

But all time i got this :
Problem fetching data from dump1090.
AJAX call failed (error: Not Found). Maybe dump1090 is no longer running?

No matter on witch broswer is used. Yes the srd work just fine on pc, multiple reboot done. I install without the feeder
I try the ‘fix’ of :
sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules “

At the end, i did put this 3.7.1 image, and voila: it did work with some issues.
First: to have it working people had to go to the config file and change the : used wifi… wireless to : NO. Currently it’s at yes and the ethernet will never work.
And quite strange, i was never been able to get the ssh to work on this image. Can you somewhat put it be default ? As quite bad to had access to the system and cannot change the ip to static either.

It’s all in the guides. Maybe you didn’t find the guide?

PiAware - build your own ADS-B ground station for integration with FlightAware - Optional Steps - FlightAware

Part of that is also described in the main page for the piaware image:
PiAware - build your own ADS-B ground station for integration with FlightAware - FlightAware

This quickstart guide is for gettin UAT to work with piaware 3.7.1, not so much about the image.
Maybe it needs a title change @abcd567

Anyway regarding SSH.
It’s described in the first post of this thread how to enable SSH, so i’m not sure where you looked?
You just guessed how to configure the image?

i have about 3 pi and did install all the time the stretch lite with the ssh file. But somehow this image file don’t get it… It was more to used an image to save time vs to build from code.
as the script from jp result in the ajax error…

Enable SSH access

  • For security reasons, SSH access is disabled by default on new PiAware SD card installs, starting with version 3.3. To enable SSH, create an empty file on the /boot partition of the SD card with the filename of “ssh” only (no file extension). When this file is present, SSH will be automatically enabled.
  • Login to the device with the username “pi” and password “flightaware”.
  • Type “passwd” and follow the instructions to change the password for the account.

It’s explained on the pages i linked.
You can also configure a static IP.

If you have a monitor/keyboard connected you can use:
sudo raspi-config

and enable SSH in the interfacing options.

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For ssh, you have to create a file named ssh in /boot folder. This is applicable to Raspbian image from Raspberry Pi OS – Raspberry Pi as well as to Piaware image downloaded from PiAware - build your own ADS-B ground station for integration with FlightAware - FlightAware

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The easiest method is to use Piaware SD card image.

However if you want to use vanila Raspbian image from Raspberry Pi OS – Raspberry Pi and build from source code, JP’s adsb-receiver project is the easiest.

Unfortunately currently adsb-receiver has unfixed bugs. In view of this situation, you can still build from source code, using manual method given here:

Version 3.7.1 Add-on Package Install