How to find the flightInfo with specified date and ident


I’m using API FlightInfoStatus of FlightXML3.

Can I setup a date(ex. 2017/10/20) and a icao flightnumber (ex. CI0004) to get this specified flightinfo?

Should I use the filter parameter to do so?

You can use the timestamp and ident to find a flight, but you’ll need to convert your timestamp to an epoch timestamp. So for example if you want the Southwest 35 flight that departed at 12:40PM EDT you would make a request with an ident of SWA35@1506530400.


Thx for reply.

if I don’t have exact departure time, how do I query SWA35 which will departure in date 2017/10/10 for example?

Down the road you’ll be able to use the filter parameter to narrow down the date range, but that functionality is not complete yet. For now you could use AirlineFlightSchedules to get the information on SWA35 using a start_date of the beginning of the day and an end_date at the end of the day. SWA35 is tougher though because it does have multiple legs each day, but if you know the origin and destination you can further filter the results of the AirlineFlightSchedules query.


I’ve tried using AirlineFlightSchedules to get the info of Flights,but the return data is short of ternimal data.

So, I use the “departuretime” or “arrivaltime” in return data and combine Ident like “ident@departuretime”.

and use this combined input data to query FlightInfoStatus to get ternimal infomation.

But the API replys that the flight dose not exist.

Did I query FlightInfoStatus in wrong way??

btw… I need to query Info of any flight no (ex. CAL4) in 3 months, should I still use FlightInfoStatus to query?