How to find the flight info with specific date and ident


I’m using API FlightInfoEx of FlightXML2.

Can I setup a date(ex. 2017/10/20) and a icao flightnumber (ex. CI0004) to get this specified flightinfo, or there is another method to accomplish that?
I don’t have exact timestamp of the departure date.


You won’t be able to get results from a date more than a few days ago.
From the FAQ

“How far back is data available?

AeroAPI is intended for current flight activity; generally only 48-72 hours of data is available, although it varies with different functions that allow up to 2 weeks (see the documentation of each function for specifics).”

Ok, thanks for the reply.

And can I setup a date like 07/05/2022 and how? How many days in the future can the api work?

How do I set up a date that is like four days from now?