Future Features of the SkyView Interface?

Is there a thread for proposed features on the SkyView map? If not can we start one here??

My 2c

Select a flight and view the 3D profile the received messages have created e.g. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rXvUN6GxPOI/TB6ksqn0nuI/AAAAAAAAAEk/RUUk9a7DMOk/s1600/flightpath.jpg
Lasso select of an area to zoom to
Configuration option to set which way the detail table is sorted to on load (e.g. SortOrder = “Squak|Distance|Msgs|Track|Flight” etc

Every “want” might translate into higher CPU utilization for the baby Pi. I am not sure if that’s something good.

Most of the skyview work is on the browser side so it doesn’t really affect the Pi so long as it’s not requiring new data

i found the new skyview a great improvement over the map-site that came with dump1090 before. it is much more responsive on ipad and iphone and its design is much cleaner an professional than the older one.

things i’d wish to see in future versions were:

  • the aircraft-info-layer blankets nearly the whole map on iphone and ipad and is not draggable. i’d find it a good solution to show all this data in the blue top bar and moving the three buttons there to the settings-popup. this way the aircraft-info-layer would not be needed anymore.
  • alternative map layers
  • possibility to set up range-rings number and distance and show/hide seperate from site-location-marker
  • possibility to show altitude and or registration under the aircraft-icon on the map
  • possibility to manage the aircraft-list items
  • better recognition if aircraft is helicopter or balloon and display of matching aircraft-icon on map
  • special aircraft-icons on map for military aircrafts

p.s. i know that some/all of those can be done on my own within css-styles and javascript-filles etc. in html directory …

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@TomMuc: great whish list!

This one would be the most valuable for me: alternative map layers. The current map shows a lot of ground information not really required IMHO (roads, cities, etc)

And: possibility to remember my preference settings, ie: altitude chart unchecked

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