I am a fueler at at a major airport. The airlines are really cutting back the fuel loads to go the distance plus weather. I fuel the aircraft and I AM NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT!!
Suck it up puddin’, or you will be fueling at the local BP.
why bother a bunch of jerkoffs on this site.
LOL. I’m just saying, if the fuel amount is legal, the captain accepts the trip, that’s what the fuel is going to be. As a dispatcher, yes this jerkoff is one, I am pressured to keep doing more with less, but that doesn’t mean I put the lives of the passengers and the crew at risk.
If you don’t feel comfortable doing a task, don’t do it. If flying was entirely safe, planes would be parked, pilots in the hotel rooms, and you and I working elsewhere.
I am a fueler at at a major airport. The airlines are really cutting back the fuel loads to go the distance plus weather. I fuel the aircraft and I AM NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT!!/quote
As a pilot I really don’t care if your comfy with my fuel load.
It is your job to put in the fuel I want.
When your driving the airplane you can get comfy with the load, until then get comfy with your fuel truck.
and keep in mind, that the pilots are the first two people arriving at the accident. We are selfish and lazy according to you ramp rats and as such we will protect our self, and by default the auto loading freight in the back.
We wouldn’t take off with a short load just because a dispatcher said so.
Your comment explains why your in the fuel truck and not the aircraft.[/quote]
never mind. I get numerous complaints from caps about what they are have as a fuel load. Thats all I am saying. So I guess all of the hard working people are just mean nothing to you according to your stupid statement!! With out us you go now where.
Are you simple or just obdurate?
You were hired to pass gas, not calculate my “safe” fuel load.
How do you know how much fuel I had aboard on arrival? Yet you feel secure in questioning how much fuel I’ve asked for! And you can somehow “guess” based on your gas-passing experience what my total fuel load is on takeoff?
What are you going to do? Overfill all of your clients to calm your fears and HOPE that you haven’t ignorantly put them over gross or out of balance.
For the safety of all concerned, seek other employment!
James, old chap, the original poster couldn’t even spell or use proper grammar. And you throw “obdurate” at him? Hardly seems fair…
Also I REALLY enjoyed 185Driver’s response.
James, old chap, the original poster couldn’t even spell or use proper grammar. And you throw “obdurate” at him? Hardly seems fair…
Just an attempt to make the OP realize how out of their depth they are.
Also I REALLY enjoyed 185Driver’s response.
This thread is gold GOLD I tell you!!!
When is the last time a domestic airliner ran out of fuel? They are carrying the required legal amount of fuel. The worst thing that will happen is the aircraft will have less fuel to burn holding and have to divert sooner rather than later. That just means they would rather buy fuel from someone other than you.
When is the last time a domestic airliner ran out of fuel?
I thought that was an interesting question, and I asked the Great And Powerful Google.
Some of the events in this list, called Unpowered Airliner Landings, were due to factors other than fuel exhaustion, but there is some interesting reading about airliners running out of fuel for one reason or another…
And, I’m certain the Great and Powerful Google has even better info than the included website does.
When is the last time a domestic airliner ran out of fuel? They are carrying the required legal amount of fuel. The worst thing that will happen is the aircraft will have less fuel to burn holding and have to divert sooner rather than later. That just means they would rather buy fuel from someone other than you.
agree. with the airlines in the economic condition they are now there’s no reason to have way more than the minimum amount of fuel needed for a safe flight.
it would be better economically for 1 flight to divert due to not enough holding fuel and have 9 other flights safely get to their destination without excess fuel than to have 10 aircraft get to their destination with more than the minimum required.
You were hired to pass gas
Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that…
I’m " comfy" with it. (the response of 185)